Echo Show vs. Google Nest Hub Echo Show vs. Google Nest Hub

Echo Show vs. Google Nest Hub

Echo Show vs. Google Nest Hub: what’s the difference? Discover the pros and cons of each type and find out which is the most suitable for you.

If you are planning to upgrade your smart home system with a suitable smart display with an AI assistant, Amazon Echo Show and Google Nest Hub are the two options you need to consider.

These two have been competing neck to neck since their debut and still going strong with each upgrade. Whenever one of these two titans releases a new version, the other one takes it up a notch and releases an even better upgrade.

Now, each with a list of models available on the market, it’s hard to choose which is the better one among the two. And if you are also stuck, worry not. We are going to break apart all the parameters that separate the two, so you have an easier time making an informed decision.

What Is Echo Show?

Echo Show was initially designed as a smart speaker coupled with a smart screen to watch TV shows. It’s developed by Amazon and features Alexa as their AI assistant. As part of the Amazon Echo line, it’s an integral Alexa Hub for Home Automation systems division. 

The key purpose of the Echo Show was to develop a smart system that we can use to perform everyday tasks like playing music, and videos, browsing online, audio and video calls, controlling smart devices, real-time monitoring, and more.

Starting from a very limited combination of specs, it now has many impressive features like high-quality speakers, a high-resolution screen with rotating abilities, etc.

echo show vs google nest hub

What Is Google Nest Hub?

Google Nest Hub is another Smart Home Hub that’s built around the Google Voice Assistant. This one was also intended as a smart speaker to perform tasks by voice control. However, later upgrades come with a digital smart screen to show the response in real-time.

Nest Hub works as the middle point of Google's smart home hub to control smart appliances anywhere in your home. Nest Hub also offers similar facilities to Amazon Echo Show, from playing videos online to calling your close ones.

echo show vs google nest hub

Echo Show Vs. Google Nest Hub: Differences, Advantages, And Disadvantages

Learning the key differences between Echo Show vs Google Nest Hub is the fastest way to find the right fit for you. Here we have tried to compile a detailed table comparing Echo Show vs Google Nest Hub so that you have an easier time finding the best one for you. 


Amazon Eco Show

Google Nest Hub


$249 for Amazon Eco Show 10 (pricey)

$99.99 for Google Nest Hub Next Gen (More Affordable)

Screen Size

10.1 inches (echo show 10)

10 inches (Nest Hub Max)

AI Assistant

Alexa (picky with Syntax)

Google Assistant (supports natural form of speech)


Better sound quality

Adequate sound quality


Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify 

Google Play, Youtube Music


All models have camera

Older models don’t have camera

Advantages Of Amazon Echo Show

  • Better sound quality
  • Comparably better camera resolution
  • Great as a smart display of the overall home Automation system.
  • Supports a wide range of skill performing

Disadvantages Of Amazon Echo Show

  • More Expensive
  • Bigger screens, might not be suitable for desk top
  • Has difficulty recognizing out-of-syntax speech

Advantages Of Google Nest Hub

  • Slightly cheaper
  • Comparably smaller and more compact
  • Can recognize natural forms of speech without any problem

Disadvantages Of Nest Hub

  • Can only perform specific skills
  • No option to create new skills
  • Sound quality adequate

What To Consider When Choosing A Smart Home Hub?

Finding the best smart home hub depends on multiple factors. Let’s see how you can look through the specs and features to find the best fit for you.


Looking at the price tags, there are big differences between Echo Show vs Google Nest Hub. For example, take Google Nest Hub 2nd generation, which starts at $99.99.

On the other hand, the Amazon Echo Show 10 which is considered the equivalent of the Google Nest Hub 2nd gen, sells for a whopping $249. Even one of their cheaper option starts at $129.99 without any discount, but you’ll need to spend money for additional specs.

Considering the two prices, Google Nest Hub is definitely the cheaper option if you are only looking at the money. But rounding up all the features and quality, Amazon Echo Show is the better option with their impressive spec quality.

Sound Quality

The first installment of both devices was a little bumpy with their sound quality, which drastically improved over the next upgraded versions. Additionally, the sound quality is also not consistent throughout the versions, since they are still a work in progress.

For example, the Amazon Echo Show 8 provides a solid fuller sound which is a clear contrast to the passable not good bot bad audio quality of the Echo Show 5.

In the latest Nest Hub Max, the developers have added 50% more bass and an additional microphone than their previous models. However, still they don’t win out the premium sound Amazon Echo Show Provides.

The Nest Hub 5, however, has almost similar sound quality to Echo Show 5.

Voice Recognition

One of the most important take-ups from this comparison between the Amazon Echo Show and Google Nest Hub is their voice assistant and voice recognition feature. Amazon Echo Show is integrated with Alexa Hub and Google Nest Hub with Google Assistant.

Now between the two, Google Assistant is much easier to use and commands as it doesn't really care much about the wording or phrasing of your command. They are more adaptable to natural speech on a day-to-day level as well.

On the other hand, Amazon Echo Show gets easily confused if you don't phrase your commands properly. In exchange, they have a wider range of skills with better third-party support to actually perform them. Alexa blueprints will even let you customize your own skills to perform any specific chore.

In the past few years, steady updates are being made to eliminate whatever limitations they have, but it’s still a long way from perfect. Overall, our take is that, if you want to use it for your day-to-day chores over the house, Amazon Echo Show has better affinity.

However, for any specific territory like working at your desk, Google Nest Hub works better.

Screen Size

Looking at the initial versions of the two smart systems, Nest Hub didn’t even have a screen for video calls or shows to start with. On the contrary, Amazon provided a small camera for this purpose.

However, in the latest models, Amazon Echo 10 features a 10.1 inches touch screen which is slightly bigger than Next Hub Max with 10 inches one. It also comes with a motorized base to rotate whichever way you want. The resolution is fairly similar nonetheless.

Amazon Echo Show 15, on the other hand, offers the biggest screen, which is a solid 15 inches with 1920x1080 resolution. But with a display as big as that, it’s more appropriate as a wall-mounting screen rather than something convenient to sit on the side of your desk.

EVVR Center Lite - A Simplified Home Automation Control System Experience With EVVR Center Lite

Now you can elevate your smart home experience with EVVR Center Lite to create a more controlled home automation system. This Center Lite offers a number of impressive benefits to get you on board. Let’s find out more in detail,

Drag-and-Drop Automation Flow

EVVR Center Lite provides automatic matching, driver creation, and development kit functionalities, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of smart home devices. There's no need to fret over figuring out how to use this gateway. With simple drag-and-drop automation nodes on EVVR Console, you can set up automated workflows for various scenarios.

Great Compatibility

EVVR Center Lite is a highly compatible home automation controller with a wide range of compatibility over Z-Wave, Zigbee 3.0, BLE, and Wi-Fi.

Local Data Storage

EVVR Center Lite Store data locally by enterprise-class data encryption to warrant privacy. It’s also designed to function without saving any of your data.

Voice Assistant

EVVR Center Lite has a built-in voice assistant designed to work with both Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant for greater convenience.

For both Eco Show and Google Nest Hub, EVVR Center Lite can transform your smart home automation system into a simplified one by creating more possibilities for a better experience.

Especially, in order to integrate multiple protocols of smart home brands at the same time, it is one of the best options out there.


As there are a number of models of both brands with widely varied specs, it’s hard to give a final verdict of which one we think is the best. Overall, it depends on the existing smart appliances at your home, what you’re planning to use them for, budget, expectations, etc.

We hope this article will help you to make a well-informed and wise decision, about which will live at your house. For any further inquiries, please reach out to us.

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