Energy Efficient Appliances | Which consume more energy | How to Monitor Energy Efficient Appliances | Which consume more energy | How to Monitor

Energy Efficient Appliances | Which consume more energy | How to Monitor

Older appliance models use a greater amount of electricity than newer and energy efficient appliances. So, if you have older models of common devices ...

Everyone is befriending energy efficient appliances because electricity prices are skyrocketing - disturbing the monthly budget and impacting the environment. As stated by the BLS, electricity prices rose from $0.160 in June 2022 to $0.170 in June 2023, adding up to residents' burden. You are therefore left with no choice but to keep an eye on all the power-hungry household appliances and optimize your overall energy usage. From the handy refrigerator to the efficient washing machine, undoubtedly, these devices offer you convenience.

But there's an inconvenient truth that you cannot ignore – many of these energy-hungry devices are silently driving up your energy bills. So, to make your energy decisions more informed, we will uncover the devices that may be draining your resources and how you can wisely use them. Let's dive in!

List of Common Household Appliances

There are multiple traditional and energy efficient appliances in our homes, revolutionizing the way we perform our daily tasks. Some of them are:

Electric Oven

An electric oven is a kitchen essential,  offering you many cooking options such as baking, roasting, broiling, and even convection cooking. Equipped with various features like adjustable temperature settings, timers, and multiple racks, this appliance helps you prepare various dishes precisely and conveniently. From baking cakes to roasting meats, electric ovens have become indispensable for home cooks and bakers alike.

Air Conditioner

The air conditioner is an indispensable savior during scorching summers, providing us with the comfort of a cool and refreshing indoor environment. This appliance uses advanced refrigeration technology to remove excess heat and humidity from the air, creating a pleasant oasis from the sweltering heat outside.

Not only does it cool the air, but modern air conditioners also feature air filters that improve indoor air quality by trapping pollutants. Thanks to the air conditioner, we can relax, work, and sleep in comfort, ensuring a more enjoyable and productive day, even amidst the hottest weather.

Washer and Dryer

Next on our list is the washer-dryer combo - a time-saving duo for laundry tasks. The washer, with its advanced technology and various wash cycles, efficiently cleans clothes. The washer handles various loads, from your delicate fabrics to heavily soiled garments.

And once the clothes are clean, the dryer takes over, using heated air to rapidly and gently dry the laundry. The convenience of having both appliances together means no more hanging clothes out to dry or waiting for the sun to do its job.

Water Cooler

Water coolers dispense clean and cold drinking water, making it easily accessible for hydration. They typically use bottled water or connect to a water supply, chilling the water to a refreshing temperature. Water coolers are particularly useful in homes, encouraging everyone to drink more water throughout the day.


Dishwashers save time and effort by cleaning dishes, pots, and utensils efficiently. Generally, they use hot water and detergent to remove food residues and stains, ensuring hygienic and spotless results. Dishwashers not only save water compared to hand washing but also prevent the dishes from wear and tear that occurs from frequent scrubbing.

Vacuum Cleaner

Dirt is an inevitable part of our lives, especially in a bustling household. But fear not, for the vacuum cleaner comes to the rescue! With its robust suction and versatile attachments, this essential appliance swiftly captures every speck of dust, pet hair, and other form of dirt from carpets and floors.

Electric Fan

Electric fans provide a refreshing breeze by circulating air and improving ventilation in indoor spaces. They are especially useful during warm weather as they help maintain a comfortable temperature and reduce the need for air conditioning.

Electric Kettle

An electric kettle uses electricity instead of burner heat to boil water for various purposes, such as making tea, coffee, instant noodles, or hot beverages. Unlike traditional stovetop kettles, they rapidly bring water to a boil, saving time and energy.

household appliances

Why is My Electricity Bill So High?

Fluctuations in electricity prices cause high bills, but there are many other reasons that contribute to it. Let's find them out!

household appliances

Vampire Draw Devices or Appliances

Is it pleasant to pay for appliances that you don't even use? Definitely not! Many appliances stay plugged in all the time and draw energy (phantom power) even when not in use. As a result, you get high energy bills, causing a waste of money. The best solution is to unplug all such appliances, like your TV, computer, printer, microwave, etc., and you'll see your bill returning to the usual.

Having Inefficient Appliances

Older appliance models use a greater amount of electricity than newer and energy efficient appliances. So, you will have soaring energy bills if you have older models of common appliances like washers, refrigerators, air conditioners, etc. Solve this issue by upgrading to energy efficient appliances, like energy efficient washers and dryers, that may come with Energy Star ratings or modern smart and energy-saving features.

Using Appliances During Peak Hours

Confused about why your energy bill is high even though you use limited electricity? Chances are that you must be using your appliances during peak hours. Generally, peak hours occur when energy consumption is at its highest, often in the early mornings and evenings when households and businesses are most active.

In these times, the demand for electricity puts a strain on power generation and distribution systems, leading to higher electricity costs. So, the best solution to this issue is strategically scheduling your energy usage and alleviating stress on the grid.

Poor Insulation

Poor insulation in your home results in increased energy consumption and higher electricity bills. Having inadequate insulation allows heat to escape during colder months and infiltrate during warmer months, causing your heating and cooling systems to work harder to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.

This continuous strain on your HVAC systems leads to elevated energy usage and subsequently drives up your electricity costs. You should install proper attic and window insulation and improve your home's energy efficiency. Or you can also go toward energy efficient appliances like smart HVAC systems. 

What Uses the Most Electricity in a Home?

Here we have discussed some appliances that use the most electricity in your home so you get an idea of the average wattage to run a house and replace them with energy efficient appliances:

what uses the most electricity in a home

  • Air Conditioner: Keeping your home cool using your air conditioner in the blazing heat is necessary to ensure a comfortable indoor environment. However, air conditioning consumes around 22% of US household electricity, contributing to high energy bills.
  • Water Heater: For the residents of cold US states, a water heater is no less than a blessing, providing you with warm water for tasks like bathing, washing dishes, cleaning, and more. Besides convenience, water heaters consume a lot of electricity - around 17 percent of your home's energy.
  • Refrigerator: Your refrigerator keeps your food fresh and cool. But the wattage of the refrigerator is high, and as it runs all day, it's also among the top energy-hungry household appliances, taking up around 18 to 20% of your electricity use.
  • Washer and Dryer: In the past, doing laundry was a hassle, but not anymore. Nowadays, there are washers and dryers available that make your laundry day a breeze. However, with ease, this duo also results in high energy bills, taking up around 5% of your electricity.

What Appliances Use the Most Energy When Turned Off?

Certain appliances continue to consume energy even when they're turned off or in standby mode. You can unplug them or go with energy efficient appliances, like an energy efficient TV. Some examples include:

  • Televisions: Many modern TVs have standby modes that use energy to power features like instant-on and remote control functions.
  • Computers: Desktops, laptops, and monitors may draw power for standby mode or to charge devices even when turned off.
  • Printers: Printers often remain on standby to receive print jobs remotely, consuming energy.
  • Microwaves: Microwaves with clocks or timers can draw energy even when not in use.

You can detect the standby power consumption of different appliances with EVVR Energy Monitoring Smart Plug and Relay.

EVVR Energy Monitoring Smart Plug and Relay - Keep Track of All Your Energy-Hungry Appliances

EVVR Energy Monitoring Smart Plug and Relay is your key to effortlessly tracking your energy consumption so that you can go toward energy efficient appliances. With an impressive 99% accuracy, you can now easily monitor the hourly energy usage of your plug-in devices. The EVVR App lets you predict power consumption, putting you in control like never before.

Safety is at the core of our design. Our monitor comes with overload and thermal protection, a tamper-proof shell, and a button lock design. It's engineered to handle currents up to 16 amps, compatible with high-power appliances, significantly reducing the risk of electrical fires.

Our innovative Magnetic Retention Relay guarantees stability, preventing unwanted switch state changes during upgrades. But that's not all – this space-saving device is a game-changer. The compact build and a 90-degree angle extension cord ensure that the smart plug seamlessly blends into your space. No more unsightly protrusions from the wall.

This frees up valuable room and enhances the accessibility of hidden wall outlets, making it ideal for long-term device usage. Take command easily – remotely control your lights and appliances via HomeKit, EVVR App, or the built-in button. Set up automation scenes effortlessly and even use wireless Siri voice commands through the HomeKit hub.

energy monitoring smart plug

Key Features

  • Track hourly energy consumption with 99% accuracy and predict power use using the EVVR App.
  • Magnetic Retention Relay for stable device status and lower energy consumption
  • Supports currents up to 16 amps for high-power appliances
  • Space-saving design with a 90-degree angle extension cord
  • Remote control via HomeKit, EVVR App, or built-in button
  • Wireless Siri voice commands through the HomeKit hub


Several energy-hungry appliances increase your energy bills, so it's best to use energy efficient appliances or manage your energy usage strategically. EVVR Energy Monitoring Smart Plug and Relay is a great help in this regard as it helps you track your energy consumption. You can even connect your energy-hungry, traditional household appliances with it and turn them into energy efficient appliances. 

The best part about this smart plug is that it has a small design and doesn't take up much space on your wall, adding an elegant touch to your space. EVVR has multiple other intelligent home products like the EVVR Pad S, EVVR In-Wall Relay Switch, EVVR Hub, etc. So, get in contact to have a fantastic home automation experience!

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